Synthetic Agreement for Forward Exchange

Synthetic Agreement for Forward Exchange: An Overview

In the world of finance, a synthetic agreement for forward exchange is a popular technique used to hedge currency risks. It is essentially a combination of two financial instruments: a forward contract and a spot contract. This article will provide you with an overview of what a synthetic agreement for forward exchange is, how it works, and the benefits of using this technique.

What is a Synthetic Agreement for Forward Exchange?

A synthetic agreement for forward exchange, also known as a synthetic forward contract, is a financial agreement that allows two parties to exchange currencies at a predetermined rate and date, though the actual exchange happens at the spot rate on the settlement date. This technique is used to hedge currency risks, allowing businesses and investors to protect themselves from fluctuations in foreign exchange rates.

How Does a Synthetic Agreement for Forward Exchange Work?

A synthetic agreement for forward exchange is created by combining a long position in a spot contract with a short position in a forward contract. The investor purchases the currency at the current spot rate while simultaneously selling the same amount of currency at the predetermined forward rate. This creates a synthetic forward contract that allows the investor to lock in the exchange rate for a specific date in the future.

For example, let`s say a US-based company wants to purchase goods from a European company in six months and needs to pay in euros. The current exchange rate is 1 euro to 1.2 US dollars. The US-based company could enter into a synthetic agreement for forward exchange by buying euros at the spot rate of 1 euro to 1.2 US dollars and simultaneously selling euros at the forward rate of 1 euro to 1.15 US dollars. This locks in the exchange rate for the US company, ensuring that they will only pay 1.15 US dollars for each euro they need in six months, regardless of the exchange rate at that time.

Benefits of Using a Synthetic Agreement for Forward Exchange

There are several benefits to using a synthetic agreement for forward exchange. First, it allows investors and businesses to hedge against currency risks, reducing the potential for losses due to fluctuations in exchange rates. Second, synthetic agreements for forward exchange can be customized to meet the specific needs of the user. For example, the investor can choose the currency and the settlement date to ensure that the agreement best meets their needs. Finally, synthetic agreements for forward exchange can be structured to reduce transaction costs, making them a cost-effective solution for currency hedging.


A synthetic agreement for forward exchange is a valuable tool for hedging currency risks in the world of finance. It allows investors and businesses to lock in exchange rates for a specific date in the future, reducing the potential for losses due to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. Utilizing a synthetic agreement for forward exchange can be an effective way to protect against currency risks and mitigate losses in your investment or business portfolio.