Safe Restart Agreement Yukon

As the world continues to grapple with the unprecedented effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world are taking steps towards reopening their economies. In the Yukon, Canada, this process is being facilitated through a “safe restart agreement” aimed at protecting the health and safety of residents while supporting the local economy.

The safe restart agreement is a collaborative effort between the federal government and the provincial and territorial governments in Canada, including the Yukon. It involves the distribution of $19 billion in funding to help provinces and territories safely restart their economies while mitigating the risks of a resurgence of COVID-19.

In the Yukon, this funding is being used to support a range of initiatives aimed at protecting residents, including investments in healthcare and personal protective equipment, as well as measures to support businesses and protect jobs.

Some of the key initiatives supported by the safe restart agreement in the Yukon include:

1. Supporting Public Health Measures: The funding is being used to support the implementation of key public health measures aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19. This includes investments in testing, contact tracing, and the procurement of personal protective equipment.

2. Supporting Businesses: Yukon`s economy has been severely impacted by COVID-19, with many businesses struggling to stay afloat. The safe restart agreement is providing funding to support businesses and protect jobs, including through the provision of loans, grants, and wage subsidies.

3. Protecting Vulnerable Populations: The agreement is also being used to support vulnerable populations in Yukon, such as seniors and Indigenous communities. This includes investments in healthcare and social services, as well as initiatives aimed at supporting mental health and wellness.

Overall, the safe restart agreement in Yukon is an important step towards protecting residents while supporting the local economy. By investing in key public health measures, supporting businesses, and protecting vulnerable populations, the Yukon is well-positioned to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis stronger and more resilient than ever before.